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Updated: May 21, 2024

Are you curious about Past Life Release (PLR) or Past Energy Release Therapy?

Many people want to try it just out of curiosity; however, it can also be very effective as a therapeutic tool. Past Life Release, also referred to as Past Energy Release, is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what many practitioners believe to be memories of past lives or incarnations. During a PLR session, the client experiences such memories as mental movies, slides, images, thoughts, feelings and sensations. Although there is no conclusive evidence to prove the reincarnation hypothesis, and many people consider past life memories to be just creations of the mind, there are enough studies and researches to demonstrate that it is a plausible hypothesis. However, true or imaginary, these memories can be used to work through and help release, resolve and remove current issues and root trauma, as well as promote self-development. In other words, you don’t have to believe in reincarnation to benefit from the past life release process.


• How Will I “See” My Past Life?

It’s different for each person. Some people might “play” it in their minds as if they were watching a movie; others might “hear” in their minds a description of what’s happening; yet others might just have a “knowing” of what is transpiring. Also, some people might perceive scenes of one past life in a linear progression; others might go back and forth, or even jump to scenes from other lives. The best way is to go in with no expectations of how you might experience it; just go with the flow. And if your subconscious does its own thing and doesn’t follow the script, that’s ok, the script is meant only as a guideline.

In case nothing at all happens, it’s also ok. There’s nothing wrong with you; maybe it’s not time for you to go through this experience at this point in your life, or in this group environment. Whatever happens (or doesn’t happen), it is your decision and only yours, even if it comes from a subconscious or unconscious level.

You can choose a theme for your PLR experience or leave it open ended; if you choose a theme, however, keep in mind that your subconscious might have its own agenda.

• What If I'm Making It All Up?

It's ok! Scientific studies show that past life therapy works if the client believes the experience is real or not. The bottom line is that whatever you feel you wish to experience is the right thing for you. The important thing to look at is what comes to your mind. Once you are in a relaxed state, your mind will offer you the information you are meant to work with at that time. It can happen that your conscious mind will try to be critical of or interfere with your experience as you go through the session; allow it to do what it must. However, try not to censor yourself in any way; again, just go with the flow.

• What If I See Something Or Someone I Don't Like?

What a great opportunity that will be! That way, you can discuss what bothers you and why it came to you at this time in your life, so that it can be taken care of and resolved; sometimes, the healing can be instant. Occasionally, an abreaction (strong emotional response from reliving an experience) can happen. Since you are the one in control throughout the process, you can choose to experience the process as an outside observer, or to not feel any emotions or pain. You can also choose to come out of it at any time. However, unless you really feel you can’t handle it, it’s recommended that you allow yourself to go through it, as it’s a great release/healing opportunity (as mentioned above).

• Will I Speak In A Different Language?

In most cases, the experiences are reported in the person’s current language, although there have been cases of people who were able to speak in a language previously unknown to them during a session. In such circumstances, they can be asked to “translate” the experience by speaking in their current language.

• Can I Also See My Future Lives?

You may also look into your future through progression sessions. Rather than premonitions, I tend to believe that such sessions show you more of a symbolic representation of future possibilities. Again, true or imaginary, your visions of the future can be used as an opportunity for higher awareness when making life choices.

For more information about Past Life Release or to book an individual or group session:

© Gisele Marasca-Vargas; 06/27/2013

Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay

Suggested Reading:

Many Lives, Many Masters, by Brian Weiss

Old Souls: The Scientific Evidence for Past Lives, by Tom Shroder (based on the research work by Dr. Ian Stevenson)

Children’s Past Lives, by Carol Bowman



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