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YOU WIN... And I Win Too


When The Universe Has Your Back

I’m back! The October and November eNewsletters didn’t go out this year due to the fact that I was in the process of moving to a new home in a different city, and also because grief from painful losses and the stress of the move (which included trapping several outdoor rescue cats, taking them to the vet and accommodating them with our pet cats in the new place), among other issues, aggravated my ongoing health challenge. I actually caught myself looking at one of my old pictures and asking: “Where are you?”

But I’m still here!

It’s been a challenging year; one that has brought (and is still bringing) one challenge after another to contend with. This year also carried a cumulative effect with it, as this trend seems to have started with all the unrest and uncertainty we went through in 2020, the year of Covid. I’ve noticed the same pattern all around me, with family members, friends, clients, students, etc; all have been dealing with circumstances that have challenged them to their core. It feels like everyone is being put to the test. In my case, most everything in my life didn’t go according to plan and, like it or not, I had to come to terms with the fact that I’m not, indeed, in control. Rationally, I understand this concept; emotionally, however, it’s a tough notion to fully grasp for a control freak, action-oriented perfectionist as myself.

I’m aware that there’s a difference between being detached vs. being unattached. It's good to feel passionate and excited about our goals and dreams, and eager for action. However, that's different from over-identifying with what we are doing, letting our ego get all wrapped around it, getting into a controlling mode and becoming too attached to the outcome... Being unattached is about maintaining a good balance between putting in the effort and letting go; it doesn't mean being detached. Being unattached is about trusting the process of working towards what we want, while being open to what may come. Being unattached is about knowing which roles are yours and which roles are the Universe’s, as we co-create our reality. When we achieve that balance, we watch things effortlessly falling into place, or simply falling away when they don't serve us anymore. Ideally, rather than getting caught up in our own ideas about how our plans will manifest, we should try to let go of control and allow for the fact that there are many different ways of arriving to our destinations. The best attitude to maintain is to focus on the what, rather than the how. A good state of mind to try to cultivate is appreciation for the now and positive expectations for what's to come. It’s about knowing when to pause. It’s about understanding when and how to allow, rather than just chasing after everything; being, rather constantly than doing.

That all sounds good. However, it can be hard to find that balance between putting in the effort and letting go. We all get too attached to... well, pretty much everything in our lives at one time or another, including outcomes. When that happens, the Universe always has a way to teach us that lesson (or refresh our memories about it)...

So, you win, Universe; I let go; and in this process of trusting and releasing, I win, too. In this new year about to begin, lead the way to my highest good!

“Many people focus upon unwanted things, with no deliberate attention to the emotional Guidance within them, and then they try to compensate for their lackful thinking with physical action. And because of the misalignment of Energy, they do not get results from their action, so then they try harder by offering more action, but still things do not improve.

Like the air you breathe, abundance in all things is available to you. Your life will simply be as good as you allow it to be.” — Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Wishing you Happy Holidays and many meaningful wins in the new year!

© Gisele Marasca-Vargas; 12/15/22

Girl releasing heart balloon image by Zorro4 from Pixabay

Butterflies flying out of a can image by Michaela from Pixabay

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