You may remember what I mentioned on the Opening An Avocado blog (link under Reference): When things seem darkest, it often helps to focus on and appreciate the simplest things in life, such as opening a delicious avocado. Sometimes the avocado will be flawless, sometimes bruised; but it’s still a beautiful fruit... and process.
On the other hand, sometimes things are way passed the point where you can still work with them...
Sometimes the avocado you open is too bruised and not much of it can be salvaged (except for compost)...
Sometimes, it’s about understanding or realizing that you don’t have to eat that spoiled avocado...
Sometimes, it’s about taking a chance and going for the next avocado... Or another piece of fruit altogether.
Sometimes, it’s about...
Just food for thought :)
© Gisele Marasca-Vargas; 06/27/24
Image by Lisa Fotios from Pexels
Opening an Avocado